We Seventh-day Adventist educators affirm and confess Jesus Christ, the Master teacher, as our mentor. Learning from Him we strive to disciple our students, modeling His ways with people. Because all truth is God’s truth, and because the knowledge of truth is the way to freedom (John 8:32), we pledge ourselves to search for it, to share it with those who seek, in harmony with the principles outlined below. We affirm that it is the ethical responsibility of Adventist educators:

  1. To manifest our total commitment to God, to His Word, and to the beliefs and mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. In fulfilling this principle, we:
    1. Nurture our personal relationship with God through regular devotions, prayer life, and meditation.
    2. Accept and study the Bible as God’s Word.
    3. Accept and study the writings of Ellen G. White as authoritative counsel given to the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
    4. Belong to and actively participate in the life of a local Seventh-day Adventist church.
    5. Engage in active witness to the saving grace of Jesus Christ, in the context of His soon return.
  2. To provide all students with equal opportunity for the harmonious development of their faculties and potentials. In fulfilling this principle, we:
    1. Affirm our belief in the dignity of all human beings and pledge fair treatment of all students.
    2. Endeavor to lead every student under our influences to Jesus Christ, the only Savior, and to His family, the Church.
    3. Recognize our obligation to make discreet use of personal information about a student or his/her home. Release of such information will be made only if sanctioned by law or as authorized by the student and/or his/her family.
    4. Abstain from abusing our professional position by requesting or accepting financial, sexual, or other favors from the students or their family.
    5. Provide factual letters of recommendation to appropriate persons and agencies upon request from the students in view of their professional advancement and learning.
  3. To establish, model, and safeguard the highest standards in professional competence and behavior. In fulfilling this principle, we:
    1. Accept responsibility for our conduct and seek to safeguard the good name of our profession by urging our subordinates to abide by high professional standards.
    2. Support policies and procedures that will ensure just and equitable treatment of all members of the profession in the exercise of their professional rights and responsibilities.
    3. Cooperate in the development and implementation of constructive policies affecting education.
    4. Give an honest description of assignments and work conditions to applicants seeking employment.
    5. Support selective recruitment of Seventh-day Adventist teachers and help orient teaching assistants, interns, and new faculty.
    6. Refrain from exerting inappropriate pressure based on the authority of our position at the expense of a colleague.
    7. Adhere to the conditions of a contract or to the terms of an appointment until either has been terminated in accordance with policy.
    8. Use personal and professional information accurately and responsibly when evaluating the character and work of a colleague.
    9. Maintain integrity when dissenting by basing any criticism on valid assumptions established by careful evaluation of the facts.
    10. Abide by the grievance process as voted by the governing authority of the employing institution.
    11. Accept no gratuities or gifts which might influence judgment in the exercise of professional duties.
    12. Engage in no activities which will impair our effectiveness as Christian educators or commercially exploit our professional position.
  4. To foster an instructional environment in which the free exchange of ideas is prized. In fulfilling this principle, we:
    1. Assume unequivocally the Seventh-day Adventist/blblical stance in our instruction while presenting other views fairly.
    2. Foster responsible discussion of all points of view, respecting the students’ right to form their own position, and encourage the students to choose the Seventh-day Adventist position.
    3. Conduct seminars, tutorials, and class instruction in the spirit of learning without intimidation or reprisals, leading students to a deeper understanding of and commitment to truth.
    4. Utilize grading, not as an instrument of discipline or coercion, but as a reliable way of providing students with a fair assessment of their learning in relation to the stated objectives of the course.
  5. To maintain the highest norms of scholarship and integrity in research, production, and communication of findings. In fulfilling this principle, we:
    1. Exercise integrity in the use and interpretation of the findings and writings of other scholars.
    2. Explore truths on a personal level while understanding and respecting appropriate settings to share our findings.
    3. Make appropriate use of time and resources received for professional research and other activities.
    4. Fulfill our professional commitments to students, their families, our employing institution, and to other individuals or organizations.
    5. Make available the data of the research to be refereed and published, as long as the privacy or confidentiality of those involved is not violated.
    6. Seek to reach a mutual agreement between researchers in a group effort. We respect the division of work, compensation, access to data, rights of authorship, and other rights contained in the agreement.
    7. Respect legal, professional, and religious constraints on research, and use consent forms in the case of human subjects.
  6. To be concerned with and involved in the life and conditions of the school and community in which we work and live. In fulfilling this principle, we:
    1. Share with all citizens the responsibility for the development of sound public policy, especially in the domain of education.
    2. Participate in the regular exercise of self-evaluation, the evaluation of programs and the performance of our school for the purpose of maintaining acceptable standards of accreditation.
    3. Protect the good name of the Seventh-day Adventist Church against unreasonable attacks and malicious slander.
    4. Participate in activities that will benefit the local communities.

—Approved March 1997
World Education Directors’ Consultation Loma Linda, California, U.S.A.
Revised May 1997